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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Project 42

I am announcing a new project for the month of November, which also happens to be National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Despite fiction writing being among my least developed skills (along with double-sided printing, flying, and closing doors), I've always wanted to try NaNoWriMo but have always hit two walls:
  1. The wall of time. 
  2. Not having an idea.
I'm still not sure where I'll find the time to churn out fifty thousand words this coming month, but at the very least, I have something I want to write about. I have recently been doing a close reading of the book of Job (which I had to read in first year for a course, but trying to go through 42 chapters in a week is a bit crazy), and it has been a confusing journey - trying to understand the significance of this story of suffering, the conversations between the Lord and Satan, and learning from Job and his three "friends".

Trying to digest and relate to the book of Job, I have decided to write a modern interpretation of Job, from the perspective of a student in the 21st century. The writing serves to help me to develop my understanding of Job, while complementing my literature and philosophy courses (this is not being written for any school submission). Joining NaNoWriMo will help keep me encouraged with motivation to write, while providing a strict deadline of midnight, November 30, to complete a draft of this novel. Along with other writers, I am also fundraising for "The Office of Letter and Light", which promotes literacy among children and adults through activities and events like NaNoWriMo. My goal right now is to raise $107.00 - a dime for every verse in Job. My ultimate goal, however, is not to write a novel or to fundraise, but to come out of the month with a stronger relationship with both God and Job as I read and write.
Depiction of Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. Courtesy of Distant Shores Media / Sweet Publishing. 
A rough synopsis for an untitled, unwritten book:
When Al, a promising young student, is suddenly stricken with pain, hardship, and suffering, his notions of justice in the world is shattered. As his family, friends, wealth, and career disappear, Al's endurance, faith in God, and hope for the future are tested. Three seemingly unrelated characters from Al's past become central to his now-broken life, and are tangled with Al's endless challenges. While some relationships grow and others falter, the arrival of a fourth guest in the midst of a coming hurricane threatens to destroy Al's life for good.
I will posting my novel (in pieces) on my blog as I write it. It will be unedited but I welcome you to read it and post comments and suggestions throughout the month! Please pray that I will have energy and motivation to keep writing, and the discernment to read, interpret, and write with a clear mind.


"I know that you can do all things,
and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted."
- Job 42:2